motz |
dimecres, 16. d’octubre 2002
just label it motzes, 16.10.2002 16:11h
to find the right name is maybe difficult. the discussion about the term "information architect" is just one example for that. i get a problem when i hear: "father of ..." or someone uses the line: "i coined the term". like richard wurman in his book anxiety2. just one reason more to go back to history. and looking through old papers it is not difficult to find something like: "in the 70s PARC had one unifying vision: it would develop the architecture of information". this paper also doesn't avoid the game of first first first, but i guess the date makes the difference ... and the flavor of being at the right time at the right place. ... Link (2 comments) ... Comment cine motzes, 16.10.2002 15:28h
festival de documentales de barcelona Patricio Guzmán, retrospectiva de Joaquín Jordá y con Thierry Garrel ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment ¿es verdad? motzes, 16.10.2002 00:57h
referrers are telling me that motz made it into a history tree. between spies and byte and wiki. nice neighbourhood :) thanks bruce damer or ¿john redant?. personally i like to spread around adele's story on dynabook and notetaker. or i don't know - just to follow up. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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