dimarts, 15. d’octubre 2002


for a nice weekend just entered the house :) looking forward to some good music and talks. lem should fullfill one part of it. promising polish, portuguese and argentinian interpretations of electronica. ua

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I was busy that day. ada

if programming languages would speak. meet those without an invitation at the comments:

Why didn't Smalltalk join this little languages' smalltalk? (Maybe it was on an elegant dinner with Scheme?)

I was with Ada pet pet Posted by: Forth

Clear case why others didn't come: SQL was too busy. Objective C didn't get the message. The message to super failed because it didn't conform to the protocol. Scheme forgot to invite itself. The car blew up as soon as Flash turned the engine on, so he didn't make it. It would have been nice though. C6x assembly would only come in 8 copies next to each other, which wouldn't fit in the meadow. PEARL would have made it on time to the nanosecond if it were still alive.

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