motz |
dilluns, 30. de setembre 2002
blind date motzes, 30.09.2002 20:54h
someone suggested i should go for a drink with bill brown.
[] wenn's bill brown ist der da ist, dann gehnse mal einen [] trinken mit ihm und gruessense ihn ganz herzlich ... ... Link (2 comments) ... Comment i saw the target motzes, 30.09.2002 18:20h
... Link (0 comments) ... Comment traducción por favor motzes, 30.09.2002 16:36h
anouncement: "Sun Microsytems i Softcatalà anuncien l'Open Office 1.0 en català per a Windows, GNU/Linux i Solaris." what´s the reason to translate software into catalan? especially if you mostly have to deal with neologisms? it is all about: "per la normalització del català en les noves tecnologies". but wondering who is using "octets per segon" instead of bytes per segon or "gigaoctet" instead of gigabyte. ¿ratolí for mouse? "Els noms propis de productes, programes, empreses, etc. (Communicator, Full Circle Software, GetRight, etc.) no es traduiran, excepte Navigator o Netscape Navigator que es traduirà com "el Navegador", i les diferents parts del Netscape Communicator, que també es traduiran: Netscape Composer és "el Redactor" i Netscape Messenger és "la Missatgeria." last time at a bookfair i saw a book in a3 format with a map of words en catalan, how they are pronounced in different areas and how they maybe can be written. i was impressed. i wanted to have it. - it just was too expensive. i also can believe for a second that it is fun to think and rethink if it should be "el windows" or "la windows". but in the next moment it seems to be too political to be fun. no sé, but will see. so far: what they mean by it. and thanx capsules for being an unexpected reminder. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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