motz |
dilluns, 1. de novembre 2004
thanks for being open motzes, 01.11.2004 18:05h
normally i am in favour of the idea, that people who already have a lot of occupations should, instead of dealing with an outcry of others, take a day off when time allows; go to the beach, drink a copa de vino or whatsoever ... but i have to admit, if they decide otherwise it's nice, nice, nice. especially when it allows you to enter a world again that curiously was forbidden for you for a while. first i thought because of a stupid telco and their way of dealing with caching and proxies, but no it was the stupidness of another being (well, telefonica is not free from blame either). i am not talking here about gwb. this site i couldn't care less, i am talking about a real source of information that i was starting to miss. thanks for letting me in again to enjoy and learn from this fascinating OpenSourceOfMany. i wouldn't have dared to ask, as i knew i would have other possibilities as soon as i am out of telefonica land. but then through another open minded guy and educator introduction took place and i simply couldn't resist to set the pointer. the response came unexpected and as a surprise. thanks to all people involved in this story. ¡thanks! ... Comment
kris, 1/11/04 18:55
wir hatten ja mal das thema computerspiele in der ddr. bei gibt es gerade einen artikel dazu:,1518,325925,00.html mit ein wenig googlen kriegt man das: ... Link
motzes, 1/11/04 19:02
*g* it's not really off, i stumbled over "dotwar, DOOM in morse code" today. ... link
robert, 1/11/04 19:23
that "andys-arcade" page is simply hilarious, thanks for that kris, it made my day ;-) ... link
kris, 1/11/04 19:39
i'm getting a flashback
during the last holidays with my parents in 1986 in boltenhagen i did play with this thing. they were 50 ostpfennig per game and i played "hase & wolf" (that is "pacman" to you in the free world), abfahrtslauf and wasserrohrbruch and failed miseribly. on the bottom of the page there is a link to an emulater version. looks like pc only. ... link
motzes, 1/11/04 19:52
ostseebad boltenhagen "Besonders für unsere kleinen Gäste ist Boltenhagen eine Erlebniswelt mit tol- len Angeboten" :) ... link
motzes, 2/11/04 11:28
¿daddeln? - i am not sure if i will ever understand those alemanes - maybe should stick with català ... link
kris, 2/11/04 11:33
daddeln = video- oder computerspiel spielen
cf. daddelautomat, der ... link ... Comment |
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