motz |
dimecres, 26. de setembre 2001
back to material motzes, 26.09.2001 11:53h
well, i would have never been as fast as brian, some materials that brian brought to erfurt, can be found on the net: the article of daniel ingalls about smalltalk-76. i couldn´t find the presenting paper of rosetta smalltalk, but for the history: in the 70s the manual for smalltalk-72 was already out of print. scott warren and dennis abbe got finally the paper of ingalls (s.a) in their hand. also around ´78 articles of adele goldberg and alan kay appeared in "ieee - computer" and in "scientific american"."the threads we picked up from these documents hinted at the foundation of smalltalk ... while the work of the parc learning research group provided our inspiration, the rosetta smalltalk language is our own." alan kay named it 20 years later an excellend redesign of smalltalk-72. "one of the major goals of rosetta smalltalk is to provide a medium for spontaneous problem solving. while the injunction "think first, program later" is good advice when engineering a software product, it amounts to a straitjacket for the conversational user." btw 1972 was not just a year when smalltalk got designed, it was also at that time, that plankalkül was at least published for the first time. ... Comment |
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