dimarts, 25. de setembre 2001


in front of the screen again. after a nice, dry ride on the back of a tdm to barcelona, we fell right away into four days of fiesta en barcelona: fiesta de mercè. no way to get back to work. i don´t know any other country but spain, where it is possible that a city has a day off, while even the rest of catalunya has to go to work.

fiesta de mercé means a lot of people in the streets, music everywhere, endless fireworks and these castellers

solamente the great correfoc, a riotous fiesta of sparklers, firecrackers and roman candles, where colles de diables, devils and dragons, dance threateningly to the strains of an accompanying percussion band was canceled because of rain.

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You are luck to have wallowed in that, rather than in the post-kamikaze meme cesspool I landed in. I feel lucky to have been abroad when this all went down, in hindsight...
... and feel much better when I turn my TV off for a day or two...

--BF, whose website is a NIMDA casualty for next day or two, sigh...

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i think erfurt as barna kept me away from hysteria so far. at least now some critical voices are out there. so it´s possible to read that kind of information i want to read - accepting the physicist view on information: "you never get information, you just get signals." or "information is a difference, that makes a difference" (gregory bateson) and what that should be, is not clear but subjective. with keeping the distance to interpretions, there is a chance - i hope - to digest easier. for safety reason i try to stay away from the muddy pool "meme".

but of course also here in barna there are stories told in the streets (no tv in our flat). some of the american companies fired people and closed business, using as an explaination not that they couldn´t make the second round, but the war scenario. this also happened to a company that was dealing with spanish wine. one can assume, that polish wodka now has a better chance in the us? )

nimda? you mean you got this virus????

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