dilluns, 6. d’octubre 2003

average lifetime

average lifetime of a route in a wireless network of a url: 44 days, but that is more or less historical data. of a link: ¿? once heard their average lifespan is 6month, a reason why some people don't give weblogs a chance.

the lifespan of a webpage is 35 days. so if i see something i like and i say: look at this, this is great. you should pay to see this, it is gone in 35days on average. so who is gonna to read my weblog a year from now knowing - what they call link rod set in. i have links to this to that: dead, dead, dead. 404, 404, 404, no such number, no such phone (bruces)

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does not matter too much to me

if i have found the right words to surround the link it is still worthwhile enough.

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why people think it is más importante to catch and preserve the idea behind the idea and not to conserve just an index card. at least that is the reason why i like to keep track of the development of topic maps.

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