motz |
dilluns, 28. d’abril 2003
aha motzes, 28.04.2003 16:39h
malmoe is out there trying to tell the whole story about weblogs: weblogs - was sie sind und was sie können ( via p3k: thanks for putting the original out) 'Weblogs sind mit Sicherheit die boomende Netzanwendung der letzten zwei Jahre gewesen.''sie sind's gewesen': why is it over and what comes next??? would be an interesting question, but no answer. '"Die für mich sowieso interessantere Community in Sachen Antville ist die der Entwickler.“ (tobi) Womit relevante Fragen wie nach den Nutzungsmöglichkeiten und den kommunikativen Chancen und Gefahren von dieser Seite der Vernachlässigung preisgegeben werden.'what does he want? easy to use, but no ego for the developer?? the 'chicken and egg' game doesn't always work out. i think .. ja, chris pointed to an article: 'Currently the theoreticians are more excited about internal blogging systems than are the people who actually have to implement them.' it has to be said again and again: the ease of use of antville is not something that is given naturally, but it can be taken freely. there is a difference. wake up out there. ... Comment
tobi, 28/4/03 17:03
thanks, chap ;) it struck me at the same line ("preisgegeben"). and i would be really curious how the author could elaborate this strange idea. ... Link
motzes, 28/4/03 17:21
to chap: i am not a developer, beside of that i don't think there is anything to give "preis". i am listening do an interview where someone explains how the crap of modern architects made it to be excepted even today. oh well, nice analogy somehow. ... link
tobi, 28/4/03 17:27
also related: transparent weblog: "Weltfremde Träumer versus Geld scheffelnde Realos? Diese Polarisierung beruht anscheinend auf dem derzeit um sich greifenden Fatalismus, der sich mit der neoliberalen Weltsicht abfindet. Jedenfalls fällt dabei unter den Tisch, daß gerade die Überhöhung der Technologien (die auf eine Zeit zurück geht, als das Web noch weitgehend Männersache war) oft mit einem Ausblenden von gesellschaftlichen Fragen, von unterschiedlichen Zugängen zum Web einher geht. Das ist aber nicht zwingend - es sollte doch noch möglich sein, über das Internet als sozialen Raum nachzudenken. (Gerade wenn man Konferenzen über Weblogs abhält....)" ... link ... Comment
hns, 29/4/03 9:55
I have learned for myself that lamenting about lacking recognition as a developer is a very big mistake to make. Yes, it's true that the allocation of social rewards is often unfair. Antville is hit twice as hard because
But as soon as you start lamenting, you're on a downward spiral. You'll have a negative feedback circuit that can kill off a project pretty fast. My rule of thumb is that positive feedback and recognition should never be more than the icing on the motivational cake. The most important ingredient for that cake is simply to really really want it. Without that, everything becomes drudgery after some initial drive. So we'd rather focus on what we can do to improve things. One sure thing is that we need a proper project web site and probably a mailing list or two, and it should most probably not be located with all the weblogs hosted on Let's see if we can get it done! ... Link
motzes, 29/4/03 22:12
i don't agree
it's a question of perception: i wasn't thinking about an obviously absurd scenario that someone has to praise a developer over and over again. nope. In this case i also can't identify a lack of recognition: he was asked, the application is used, it is not identified as bad, it seems it fulfills some needs, its usable, ... that's more recognition than you can't even expect in some other areas. sure there are still parts missing in antville, as you pointed out, but if it would have been written as bad and weird as this article, i wonder if someone would be interested in using it. ... link
tobi, 30/4/03 8:39
chapeau, mme motz! the general issue behind this is that some journalists are not even slightly interested in their work. thus, they often leave their job to their interview partners. and simply ask the wrong questions. it's up to the interviewee to put these questions straight to give at least some meaningful answers (determined by the time one has to fill in the gaps and probably the moon phase). and in the end this is not even enough for an adequate result. so it seems the journalistic accomplishment lies in persisting on an initial lack of knowledge. or as dogbert would say: "you do not need experience if you got attitude" (thanks, slauti). if i had some dignity mixed with the right portion of arrogance i should have refused the interview just at the point where he asks "what are weblogs" or at least when suddenly a private weblog is mixed up with a strange question about lack of adminstrative presence (and now for something completely different and totally weird). obviously, i do (or at least did) not have that dignity, nor that arrogance. moreover, the lack of recognition would not be decreasing by a refusal. sure, now we (whoever that is) could simply live with the result. but a few chose to "lament" about it, as someone with expertise says here. well, that's the nice thing with weblogs, too: one has the option to do so. and suddenly i realize i feel better than james brown. ... link ... Comment |
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