motz |
divendres, 20. de desembre 2002
x-foaf motzes, 20.12.2002 23:02h
more and more and more about merging data. this time it is called foaf: friend of a friend. another semantic web vapourware initiative. presented as a tool for social networking. i can't avoid it, for me that stuff has the flavor of a bad breath. even than when the developer tells me: yes, we are concerned about social and legal issues. ... Comment
danbri, 7/6/03 2:59
shoot the messenger!
Sad to hear you find FOAF stinky because it shows up the ease of data-merging using modern tools (RDF/XML). We try to balance the creepy big-brother aspects by also showing ways of using PGP encryption and signing to improve the privacy and security of such applications. For eg. see The way I think about this is as a warning of things to come. This kind of thing is as unstoppable and inevitable as Google's emergence from previous less On the plus side, it is also a celebration of connections and linking and decentralisation, not intrinsically stinky. If it shows anything, it is that privacy by obscurity is just plain dead: you can't have documents describing you scattered around the Web and rely on their scattered-ness to keep the data fragmented... Quite how we deal with all this is another story. DanBri ... Link
motzes, 7/6/03 13:03
proof me don't shoot me
or kill them all. hombre, give me more of a proof that there is a technic of merging out there that is useable, with which i will be able to catch the idea behind information regardless whereever, whatsoever and i wont shut up, but change my opinion. there was hytime, there is topic maps, there is, there is ... and there was something they called privacy once . 'All we are doing is to make it much easier to preserve what we know and to share what we know and to aggregate what we know with what other people know.' (steve newcomb)and i would underline ease here. you propably wanted to tell me: I think the only real answer is to actively shape your data shadow. It's not going to go away anyway ... (chris) ... link ... Comment |
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