motz |
diumenge, 4. de març 2007
query detection motzes, 04.03.2007 00:23h
well, the search market; there is actually something to watch and play: hakia, in its beta 13 version. hakia's designers broke from decades-old indexing method and built a more advanced system called QDEX (stands for Query Detection and Extraction) to enable semantic analysis of Web pages, and "meaning-based" search. and what is factbites, the encyclopedic search engine doing ... ... Comment
chris, 4/3/07 2:07
any queries that hakia answers particularly well? ... Link
motzes, 4/3/07 2:55
what is chris l. working on? ;) compare: q: what's the future of the net? ... link
chris, 4/3/07 19:19
you find one that answers q1, please be sure to let me know ;-) the "galleries" are quite interesting, but for most of my queries I get back textbook examples of text analysis gone horribly wrong ... ... link
motzes, 4/3/07 22:43
when ai and fuzzy logic doesn't help ... some times i tend to think they are not any further than paul weston, at the beginning of the 70s ... ... link ... Comment |
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