motz |
divendres, 28. d’abril 2006
on the unknowables motzes, 28.04.2006 14:31h
two mathematicians enter a classroom earlier. in the room they found a sentence on the blackboard that someone else has left behind saying: only an idiot would believe a sentence like this. asks the first mathematician the other: do you believe it? of course not. it already says: only an idiot would believe a sentence like this.not literally but memorized quote from dana scott, who was telling the story as a comment to the panel on unknowability. he was actually quoting someone else who told him this, but i didn't get his/her name right. guess, that's how oral history sometimes works ... update: thanks to refs i know now whom dana quoted: ray smullyan, he says. btw. scott reminds me of richard gabriel. i don't know, is it age, when you start to realize more often similarities in gesture, mimic, body language, tiny details? at least i am not the only one. ;) the medieval historian denys turner talked partly about language and music as language. didn't remember that nietzsche was composing and writing about music ... if i would have dinner tonight with that crowd i would ask them one question: can you proof that futurism sucks? (no, i haven't forgotten mr. tiny ...) ... Comment |
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